Invitation Marketing Webinar Highlights
June 8, 2023
Presented by: Cate Kozikowski
This webinar is property of United American Capital Corporation, Unicorn Network, Inc., and may not be recorded, and then distributed to the public. Any transcriptions/translations provided live by the “Power of WE” are not official. Please wait for the official English recap for the complete details presented during any webinar. Be aware that only the content of the original English document is official; any unofficial translation of the English version is provided for member convenience only.
Disclaimer: You are always personally responsible for your own actions; nothing contained in this or any webinar is to be constituted as advice for any reason. Do your own due diligence and speak with your own experts before making any decisions, such as those relating to health, finances, taxes, and business, to name a few.
Invitation Marketing updates
Affiliate Campaign updates
RepliGold Introduction
Cate welcomes everyone with a hearty WAZZZUUBBB to our first Invitation Marketing webinar. Today we will strictly be discussing updates related to Invitation Marketing.
The recap from today’s webinar will be available on the Invitation Marketing website as will all future Invitation Marketing specific webinar recaps.
So let’s talk about the new Invitation Marketing website.
Here you will find everything you need as an affiliate. From the campaigns, where you can see the different affiliate opportunities you can promote, to your generations, and then the commissions, bonuses, rewards, and even an FAQ and Support info hexagons.
When we have new campaigns, or webinars coming up, or other important details, we now have a NEWS section for that. And then we have the WEBINARS hexagon, but remember, this will be strictly for Invitation Marketing webinars only (postings for upcoming webinars, as well as recaps from the webinars). This means that this recap from today’s webinar can only be found on this page, under this WEBINARS hexagon.
Let’s talk about the campaigns.
You can check the campaigns to see the full details for each one.
For those who don’t know, with Invitation Marketing, you invite others to join for free and then based on their activities, you collect commissions and bonuses. Based on the purchase made, whether in YEM or fiat currency, you will receive your commissions and bonuses accordingly, in YEM or fiat currency.
In our system, we calculate the commissions in USD, but when you are making a withdrawal into your bank account, you can choose the fiat currency based on your preference.
So for the Affiliate Campaigns currently we have:
Invitation Marketing - collect commissions on the Welcome Bonus
EEBOOX - collect commissions on eBook purchases
SNI - collect commissions on SNI token purchases
Today, we will introduce the newest affiliate campaign:
RepliGold will give you another way to earn more fiat currency.
Today we will give you a brief presentation of RepliGold. Presentations in more detail will happen soon.
Welcome to
What does the name REPLI.GOLD mean?
to create an identical copy
We replicate your gold!
no additional investment
no risk
no speculation
The ancient Egyptians revered gold as a celestial metal.
They processed it into jewelry and religious objects.
King Croesus issued the first currency
with a fixed ratio of gold and silver (1:10)
Medieval merchants began trading gold for silver
While King Croesus had a ratio of 1 gold to 10 silver (1:10), other places had different ratios, like 1:12, 1:15, etc.
If you purchased a gold piece for 10 silver, then sold the gold piece for 12 silver, then went back and bought a gold piece for 10 silver again, you would have 1 gold and 2 silver in the end, which is a 20% profit.
The Chinese began printing paper money backed by precious metals
Paper money, of course is much easier to work with, than carrying around bags of heavy precious metals coins.
The Mongols under Kublai Kahn printed unbacked paper money
Can anyone guess what happened?
They went through depreciation, inflation, and a collapse of their monetary system, and then they went back to gold and silver.
However, 750 years ago was a long time ago, let’s see if there are any more recent examples.
President Nixon decided the end of the gold-backed U.S. Dollar
88% loss of buying power inside the U.S. (inflation)
79% depreciation outside the U.S.
Compared to other currencies, the U.S. Dollar lost up to 97.5% in value since 1971
For more than 2,000 years, the same monetary cycle has been going on all over the world.
Phase 1: Issuance of gold and silver coins
Phase 2: Issuance of gold-backed paper money
Phase 3: Issuance of unbacked paper money
Phase 4: Depreciation and inflation
Phase 5: Collapse of the monetary system
The most important question is:
What phase are we in today?
We can clearly see that today, many parts of the world are somewhere around depreciation and inflation, and the collapse of the monetary system.
What could the solution be?
International experts agree that precious metals have acted as a guarantor of value, growth and stability for more than 5,000 years. Today it is easier than ever for everyone to buy and hold precious metals, but surprisingly, governments and central banks still struggle when it comes to creating a sound monetary system.
Exclusively for REPLI.GOLD, a group of experienced experts have optimized and perfected the process of buying and selling physical precious metals. For the first time in history, all the disadvantages and risks of owning gold and other precious metals have been reduced or eliminated. In addition, the REPLI.GOLD strategy offers more advantages than any other investment strategy for precious metals.
In short words:
Only with REPLI.GOLD
you can enjoy all the benefits of precious metals!
Remember the 20% profit mentioned before?
What if we did that same procedure 5 times?
We’d end up with 100% profit!
Before, we had 1 gold coin and 2 silver coins, but now, after doing it 5 times, we have 2 gold coins. So we’ve replicated our first gold coin by using a smart strategy to buy and sell the precious metal coins.
Gold-Silver Ratio since 2000
You can see on the chart the ups and downs of the Gold-Silver Ratio since 2000. You can see that over time there is a pattern of ups and downs, and you can see that it varies widely from time to time. The RepliGold Strategy utilizes these cyclical patterns for maximum benefit. The current value is generally around 1:70 (1 gold = 70 silver). Sometimes you can find a 1:30 ratio, or sometimes it is as low as 1:20.
So if you get your silver at the 1:70 ratio, and go and sell it back again at the 1:20 ratio, you have just made a lot more gold and silver in the process, which then you can use to buy more gold if you want to.
The only thing that the RepliGold Strategy needs is time. This is very important to understand. As you can see from the chart above, the prices fluctuate and it takes time for them to get to the optimal places, which is the time when the RepliGold Team will be making those purchases at the optimal places.
The world‘s safest storage
The richest of the rich secure their own wealth with precious metals and store them in Swiss customs-free warehouses
So even if you would like to spend some of them directly from your wallet, you could do that without shipping them or physically picking them up.
Here are some of the benefits of the RepliGold Strategy:
Exclusive REPLI.GOLD Strategy
Lowest Prices
Certified refineries only
LBMA Standard (highest purity)
Maximum secured transportation
Transport insurance
High security storage
Customs-free storage
Fully insured storage
Precious metals as separate estate
Periodically audits
Maximum security
Maximum privacy
Maximum availability
Physical availability (pickup)
Physical availability (shipping)
Digital availability (24/7)
100% Transparency
100% Control
100% Flexibility
When you compare REPLI.GOLD to other competitors (see the image above), it is unclear if they have all of the things you get with REPLI.GOLD, you would have to do your own due diligence to see further.
So, as you can see, there are a lot of things to be aware of when you are looking to buy precious metals, so definitely, always do your due diligence.
Who is behind RepliGold?
Founded 2004 in USA
Globally invested in companies
sicher. besser.
Founded 2003 in Europe
More than 50 years of experience
Leading trading house for precious metals
RepliGold is a joint venture between United American Capital and RATIOR.
Those two German words in the Ratior logo, “sicher. besser.”, essentially mean: safe. better.
If you already have SafeZone Pass or PerNum Pass (meaning you are already a member of our network), you already have a free account, so you only need to login with your details.
If you do not, then it is free for you to open a new account.
With REPLI.GOLD you can benefit from the RepliGold Strategy in 2 ways: buy precious metals from them, or ship your precious metals to them (if you already have some) so they can be used in the RepliGold Strategy.
No Gold?
No Funds?
No Problem!
Of course there are other ways you can benefit, as well!
Recommend REPLI.GOLD and benefit:
1g of silver one-time for every verified free account
Up to 100 USD one-time for every REPLI.GOLD Strategy Account
Very important to understand:
To receive the free silver, the person who you have invited, must join through your REPLI.GOLD reflink, this is the most important part. And then of course, they have to verify their account through SafeIdent. Once they have their account verified, then you, as the inviter, will receive 1g (1 gram) of silver one-time for every verified free account.
To participate in the RepliGold Strategy there is a fee to open a RepliGold Strategy Account. This is because you have a team of experts who are handling everything for you with the RepliGold Strategy. Plus, you have the storage in Switzerland with all of the benefits. So all of those things have a cost, which is covered with the fees to open the account, and of course any other fees that are entailed as well.
This up to 100 USD one-time commission is based on the WSS commission standard, meaning you will make more commissions being the active referrer. And of course if they sign up in your first generation, then you get both, the active and passive commission which make a total of 65% of the total commission, which is about 100 USD. So if you want to make the most money, get out there and be active with your affiliate referral link.
When they sign up, follow up with them, help them to get verified with SafeIdent by showing them around so they are familiar with things, and then when they open a RepliGold Strategy Account, then you will collect more commissions from that.
The specific commission percents are noted under CAMPAIGNS at Invitation Marketing.
Sell REPLI.GOLD and benefit 4 times:
1g of silver one-time for every verified free account
1g of gold + up to 100 USD one-time for every REPLI.GOLD Strategy Account
2% in USD on every order of precious metals
5% in precious metals when our experts switch*
* = 5% of the weight gained in precious metals.
Maybe you want to make even more money? Well that is totally possible with RepliGold thanks to the sales strategy.
If you are a professional sales person and you want to really sell RepliGold, then you will benefit 4 different times:
1. Like the affiliates, sales people will receive 1g of silver one-time for every verified free account.
2. Like the affiliates, for every new REPLI.GOLD Strategy Account, the sales person will receive up to 100 USD based on if they are the active and/or passive referrer. This is part of the WSS commission split the affiliates have. Separate from the affiliate commissions, additionally, the sales person receives 1g of gold one-time for every new REPLI.GOLD Strategy Account opened, this is part of the commissions for the sales person.
3. The sales person also receives 2% in USD on every order of precious metals.
4. The sales person also receives 5% in precious metals when the RepliGold experts switch*
What does the switch mean? Remember the gold to silver ratio. If you start out with gold and then the RepliGold experts switch it to silver, that is when the sales person will receive 5% in precious metals. This is 5% of the weight gained in precious metals, so not 5% of the total metals; it’s the gain on the original purchase. So the sales person receives 2% in USD on the original purchase, and then 5% in precious metals on the gain when it switches.
This is strictly for professional sales people (benefiting 4 times). However, anyone can be an affiliate, you don’t need to have any sales experience to be an affiliate. Just promote and share your reflink and you will receive the affiliate commissions every time someone uses your link to join and/or makes a purchase.
For those who want to earn more money, and who are serious about doing sales (professional sales people), you can join Network International, which is a private third-party group that has exclusive access to great sales products, like RepliGold, and many others.
Network International is a private paid membership group offering exclusive access to top sales products and access to continuing education sales training, networking opportunities, and much more.
With your paid membership, you have the continuing education access, networking, and all the other membership perks, including being able to sell RepliGold products.
For anyone interested in becoming a sales person for RepliGold, further details will be released soon about Network International for sales professionals.
For everyone else who wants to be an affiliate, start preparing yourselves, because the full RepliGold presentation will be released very soon! Today, you received an introduction and now you know what is coming, so you can strategize accordingly for your best success.
There is one last point to understand: RepliGold is purchased with fiat currency only (not YEM), for 3 reasons:
1. This is partnership between UAC and RATIOR. It has nothing to do with the YEM Foundation or YEM.
2. We all need some fiat currency in our lives. So now you can get commissions in fiat currency by selling in fiat currency.
3. This strategy keeps it simple. YEM can be complicated sometimes for some people and sometimes people are afraid of the unknown. So this makes it easy because people who are interested in the topic of precious metals, are generally interested in spending fiat currency to buy precious metals anyway, this means there is nothing extra you need to explain. Later, if they are interested in YEM they can learn about that when they are ready.
The first full presentation for RepliGold will be held on July 19, 2023 at 11am USA Pacific Time, register here:
That is all for today. The recap of this webinar and all future Invitation Marketing related webinars, will be posted under WEBINARS, on the Invitation Marketing website:
If you are looking for updates on a different topic, other than the ones mentioned today, please keep an eye out in WazzUb under the ANNOUNCEMENTS for more details on other topics, or under WEBINARS for the upcoming webinars on different topics.
There are a lot of things are in the works, and we will keep you all posted as soon as we can.
Cate concludes the webinar here, thanking everyone for attending, and gives a goodbye WAAAZZZUUUBBB, wishing everyone Happy Health, all the best, be proud to be a Unicorn and we’ll see you next time!
With your success in mind,
Cate Kozikowski and
Your WAZZUB Support Team
Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our project. Any examples of results are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed on our website depends on the time you devote to the project, on your knowledge and on various marketing skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee any success or specific result. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Materials found on our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential results or earnings.
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